Beefeater Steak House

Beefeater Steak House

Restaurant - Restaurants / Fine Dining -
Last checked - 16-Jun-2024
Beefeater Steak House

It's not difficult to figure out who's likely to have an instant affection for Beefeater. Long-term Thai expatriates hold this place in high regard, primarily because it's not as straightforward as one might assume to find an exceptional steak in Thailand. However, at Beefeater, the steaks are truly exceptional, and they've earned quite a reputation. Word of mouth has certainly contributed to their popularity, evident in the restaurant often being at full capacity during peak meal hours.

Beefeater Steak House

Beefeater exclusively sources its steaks from Australia, ensuring top-notch quality. Yet, their menu extends beyond steaks, offering an array of options that includes burgers, ribs, fajitas, pasta, salads, and an extensive grill selection. To cater to diverse tastes, they also feature Thai cuisine on their menu.

Beefeater Steak House